Still the same problem
Warning: Division by zero in /home/vietmyen/public_html/album.php on line 151
Warning: Division by zero in /home/vietmyen/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 1707
Calvin, what I asked before was if placing
echo $perpage; below
$perpage = $vboptions['album_perpage'] outputted anything to the screen? My answer wasn't a direct solution.
I took a datadump of the customprofilepic table and uploaded it to my test server, deleted the thumbnaildata field all together, and then readded the field under profilepicdata.
I then reset thumbnails to 175 and attempted to resize, and it locked up here:
With the thumbnaildata field cleared, it ran through the first 20 pics just fine, but then kept cycling back through startat=21&perpage=20.
I opened another browser program and set the URL for startat=41&perpage=20 to see if I could maybe skip over any problem pics, but it wouldn't take that -- it just refreshed itself to 21 & 20 and kept cycling though those over and over again.
All of the photos are .jpg format, and all original sizes are as mentioned.
If I add a new photo with the 175 limit, it also works fine - it is just trying to change them once they have been added and the limit is changed after that time.
This has me baffled.
This likely has to do with the $perpage value in albumcp.php, and some weird bug.
I don't have a lot of time to debug it now, but one troubleshooting solution I can provide is to erase the $perpage chunk of code, and re-generate all thumbnails in one process.
I've attached a customized albumcp.php that does just this. Be sure to rename it albumcp.php to use it. If it still doesn't work, and locks up, then there might be a problem with the actual GD-image handling functions. (although I sort of doubt it)