Originally Posted by Ian Cunningham
Excellent work Magnus
I do have a few ideas which I think might be good coded in!
- WYSIWYG Editor - Should make posting MUCH easier for n00bs!
- A small message posted after clicking "submit" to update details, informing that the page has actually been uploaded. A few of my users got confused and thought the script didn't work.
- More than one vBGarage per person, which has been a frequent request from my users.
This is such a good hack you have created here! Let me know if I can help with any parts in anyway!
I am going to take a look at how GD2 works, as I use it for a gallery somewhere and the thumbs look a little different.
Ian, the "more than one garage" is easy- you can do that now with no modifications other than to perhaps change the text of the first three input fields-
You can "cheat" so to speak by simply manipulating what text you enter in those boxes- I have two cars, so what I did:
field "year" entry: "2003"
field "make" entry: "Azure Blue Mach1 and"
field "model" entry: "1994 Rio Red Cobra"
Result is my Garage title appears as so:
"2003 Mach's 2003 Azure Blue Mach1 and 1994 Rio Red Cobra"
Then I just listed the Mach1 first and uploaded the pix for it first, then listed the Cobra second and uploaded the pix second, result is a garage with two cars in it.
See screenshot: