It's for admins to post articles currently. I'll have to dig deeper into the user permissions system to figure out how to grant them to specific users.
Take a look at the link to the working version of it. It currently doesn't list articles by author but that's very possible.
Comments I'm currently just having done in a VB thread. It would be pretty easy to add comments, but I want them handled in VB threads.
Community blog won't happen from me. I'm not a fan of blogs. This is a multi page article system which is also good for things like item reviews.
Everybody take a good look at the demo.... I have to finish my standalone version and release it before I can release the Vbulletin build. You guys will be able to install the standalone to start getting some articles in it while you wait for the VB version. Expect that standalone's first release to be Wednesday or Thursday with the VB version following hopefully over the weekend.