For the people having some trouble with there INSERTING of queries for settings on NON HTL here is the mistake.
These lines should be like this
INSERT INTO setting (varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, optioncode, displayorder, advanced, volatile) VALUES ('shoutbox_hierarchymode', 'shoutbox', '1', '1', '<span class=\"smallfont\" style=\"white-space:nowrap\"> <label for=\"hierarchy1\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"hierarchy1\" value=\"1\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == 1, \' checked="checked"\') . " />#1</label><br /> <label for=\\"hierarchy2\\"><input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"setting[$settingid]\\" id=\\"hierarchy2\\" value=\\"2\\" tabindex=\\"2\\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == 2, \' checked="checked"\') . " />#2</label><br /> </span>', '23', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO setting (varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, optioncode, displayorder, advanced, volatile) VALUES ('shoutbox_shoutonforumhome', 'shoutbox', 'input', 'Input', '<span class=\"smallfont\" style=\"white-space:nowrap\"> <label for=\"sofh1\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"setting[$settingid]\" id=\"sofh1\" value=\"none\" tabindex=\"1\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == none, \' checked="checked"\') . " />None</label><br /> <label for=\\"sofh2\\"><input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"setting[$settingid]\\" id=\\"sofh2\\" value=\\"input\\" tabindex=\\"2\\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == input, \' checked="checked"\') . " />Input Box</label><br /> <label for=\\"sofh3\\"><input type=\\"radio\\" name=\\"setting[$settingid]\\" id=\\"sofh3\\" value=\\"textarea\\" tabindex=\\"3\\"" . iif($setting[\'value\'] == textarea, \' checked="checked"\') . " />Textarea</label><br /> </span>', '24', '0', '0');