and if you start talking about server load, here I have one thing that really takes too much processor time.. My pain in that hack is relevance when seaching with modifiers (IN BOOLEAN MODE).. If you feel that you can live without relevance when seaching with modifiers, you may try to replace string starting from $fulltext_sql with something like it:
$limit_final = "";
if ($vboptions['allowwildcards'] ==1 && preg_match("~[\"\-\*+]~i", $query)) {
$isboolean="' IN BOOLEAN MODE";
if (strlen($limit_conditions) > 0) {
$limit_final = "WHERE 1".$limit_conditions;
$fulltext_sql = "SELECT postid,MATCH (".$what_field.") AGAINST ('".$query.$isboolean.") as relevance FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."post AS post LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."thread AS thread ON post.threadid=thread.threadid ".$limit_final." HAVING relevance>0 ORDER BY relevance DESC LIMIT 0, ".$vboptions['maxresults'];
And it will save up to 40% server time on some combination of search words