Originally Posted by Action-N
This was just the feature I needed for my forums, thanks. I did find some areas that need improvment, like use of image thumbnails. That's the biggy, then it would be nice to have more specific fields. This would help give the garages a more standard look instead of lteeting the user just add whatever to the text field.
I have already done this for myself, but just thought you might want to add some things to your "Features Planned" list. Below is a direct link to my garage, becuase it's eaiser than posting a screenshot. I have set it up to use the MultipleProfilePictures hack so images are thumbnailed. I reset the size for 250 wide, which is controlled in message attacthment options. Then I added more fields that I think are relevent to a vehicle profile. I still plan to add more features for my particular vbGarage. Thanks again for this hack
My vbGarage
Scott, looks real good! I tried to make it as configurable as possible, so people, like yourself, could tune it to look how you like.
The layouts will vary from board to board, I'm sure, because many people intend to use this for non-automotive purposes. So, developing a strict automotive layout would sort of make it more difficult for other genres. With the generic text file, people can more-or-less enter whatever they desire, or, take it upon themselves to hack it up however they feel.
I'm sure people would love it if you could post your modifications for the rest of the board. Of course, that's up to you.
GD-Lib support has been added, as it's just been released. You can modify the thumbnail size by editing the [high]"width="[/high] variable sent in the
vbgarage_imagebits &
vbgarage_editimagebits templates.