I know Scott MacVicar coded this for 2.0 and was wondering if anyone is trying to upgrade this to vbulletin 3.0?
I see many people are interested in it on the old release. But wanted to put a official request for this.
Original Hack can be found here
This is a script to allow you to manage the adverts on your forums, you can have any sort of advert you can imagine there is no actual limit with this hack to what it can be, javascript, flash, image, text and images.
You add adverts to a category or a forum or the whole board. If the category has child forums they will inherit the adverts as well as their own adverts if they have any.
Adverts can have a set exposure such as 10,000 views and once it has reached that it will stop.
It fills a variable called $advert which you just place in any template, such as the header, you can also use variables and replacements within the adverts, such as $bbuserinfo[userid] for the persons userid in a link within an advert.