This was just what i needed, thanks!
Got a question though, not really a hackproblem but i'm gonna ask it anyway
I have a html page that i wanted to display inside the forum, and using this hack could do that perfectly, by just copying that html page inside the template.
But, the html page is generated automatically each day so hardcopying it into the template isn't an option.
Is there a way to grab the html contents and to display it inside the template?
It kinda works by using an iframe in the template, but iframes need height dimensions and the generated page varies in height (and a scrollbar for the iframe looks very ugly).
Any idea on how to do this? or how to set the height of the iframe to be variable?
Or alternatively, is there a way to do it the other way around, add the header/navbar/footer to the html page (everthough it's generated i can determine what fixed components should be in this html page) and maybe shange the html page in an php page?
Oh btw...
[high]* BarBeQue clicks install
