Originally Posted by LadyBeth
I thought I was going to get through this just fine, then I went to my devbox_work.php to look at it after installation and I got this:
Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in /home/pwna1b/wwwroot/pwnabbs.org/devbox_work.php on line 81
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/pwna1b/wwwroot/pwnabbs.org/devbox_work.php on line 81
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/pwna1b/wwwroot/pwnabbs.org/devbox_work.php on line 180
I'm new, be gentle, can someone please help me out?
At the time, did you only have one forum or did your username only have access to one forum? Not sure why this is happening. Try specifying the sprecific forumid's in the config. To find a forumid, put your mouse over a link and look for
f=##, ## is the forum id. You can get the forum id's of the forums and stick them into the forum_ids config value at the top of devbox_work.php. Here's an example config value:
PHP Code:
$devbox_config = array( 'latest_threads' => 'on',
'latest_threads_num' => 10,
'newest_members' => 'on',
'newest_members_num' => 5,
'top_posters' => 'on',
'top_posters_num' => 5,
'online_today' => 'on',
'forum_ids' => '1,4,8,17,19,20,23',
Notice the modified 'forum_ids' value.