Originally Posted by yakusasc
Thanks Mark !
but I don't know how I could make this script which would extract the name of the partner and impose the style. Could you help me ?
I think this should work for you. Make sure to update the subdomain selections to match your own:
- Open the file 'global.php' from your main forums folder.
- Search for this line:
$userselect = false;
- Directly above that line, add the following code listed below:
// #############################################
// ########### START PARTNER HACK ##############
// #############################################
// Place all forum-related subdomains that are used for partners in here.
// Each subdomain should be separated by a comma.
// Ex. To ignore www.mysite.com we would list 'www' in the field below.
// For www2.mysite.com we would list 'www2', etc. To ignore both, we
// would list 'www,www2'.
// NOTE: In order for the correct style to be found, you must create
// the style name exactly as it appears in the domain.
// Ex. www.mysite.com's style would be named 'www'
// www2.mysite.com's style would be named 'www2'
$partner_ignore_list = 'www,www2';
$partner_ignore_arr = explode(',', $partner_ignore_list);
$partner_url = explode('.', $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]);
$partner_subdomain = $partner_url[0];
// If the subdomain is not in the ignore list, then continue
// searching for a style.
if(!in_array($partner_subdomain, $partner_ignore_arr)) {
// Find the correct style for this partner
$style_info = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT styleid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "style WHERE title = '$partner_subdomain' ORDER BY displayorder DESC LIMIT 1");
// If the style is found, then force the style to display for the user.
if($style_info) {
$codestyleid = $style_info[styleid];
// ###########################################
// ########### END PARTNER HACK ##############
// ###########################################
I didn't really test this out, but I think it should work for you. The subdomains would have to be setup yourself or by your host. I would setup a test.mysite.com subdomain that points to the forums folder, then create a style named 'test' and alter it so you know what it is. Then you can test out the code and see if it works. I believe the way this is written, it will override any style for any forum or user preference.