I for one will be glad when you get your hack done. I was one of the lucky ones who downloaded the one for vB2 before they canned it for whatever reason. I've been using it as a trophy room on a hunting and fishing web site. It seems to work great for that. Admittedly, we haven't advertised it much due to saving bandwidth, but it does do what I want it to do.
Some things that would be nice would be a wholesale way to make it available to members. For example, I want to allow members with a minimum of 50 posts have a trophy room with maybe 5 pictures. Members with 100 posts would get an additional 5 or so pictures in theirs. It can be done now, but it has to be done on an individual basis and is time consuming. Maybe there's some way to set a conditional to give access???
One other minor thing is the part that's in the registration form that asks for their car make and model and such. I really don't want that information there. I've half heartedly tried to find it and change it to trophy type and stats like Deer- 8 pointer -200 lb.
This hack and Logican's Web templates are my 2 hold ups from switching to vB3. The others, I can live with or without.