Originally Posted by Boofo
Give me a few. I haven't added it yet even on my board. I will do that shortly. 
I'd love to have other things added (this is not urgent and should enjoy no priority):
For example, I installed the
Board Spent Time Hack:
Is there a way to add the total spent time on the board (all members), then the the member who spent the most time on the board with his time (and maybe even expressed as a percentage of the total spent time)?
Also, I force people to choose a gender at registration. Is it possible to display "x% male, y% female"?
They also have to add their ethnicity (via a drop-down menu) ... again, would it be possible to display percentages (x% A, y% B, z% C, &c.)
Average age of the members? (compiled from those who have a valid age set?)
The possibilities seem to be endless.