As someone who started their business through the Service Requests forum, I think your motives are good and valid, but the method suggested is not enforceable. It's like using post count to determine member status or any other feature-- once aware of the requirement, people will make junk posts just like they will make junk hacks to meet the limit.
I no longer use the forum as my client list is long enough, but I don't think something like this would work. Amykhar has a good point that a client should have the option to choose from all qualified applicants. My list of public hacks is short but my clients would attest that I'm quick and knowledgable. I also do answer some Requests when I have time (remember a few days ago ST? hehe) but as I do this professionally, I simply don't have much time available for free work.
Also, I think this sort of motion would be easier to support if the original software were free. Since vBulletin actually costs to download and use, there isn't the spirit of the GPL here as there might be with phpBB or another free package.
While it's all well and good to want the community to grow for free -- some people do use vBulletin support and modification and skinning to make a living. No reason to slight these people as it is a necessary service.. where else do you get quality support when you can't wait and Jelsoft won't help your hacked site?