well basicly it would ask you to please enter you html ( that is part you want with the images sliced ), then the next page, it will show the output of that and ask you to enter the variables where u want them
Enter Variables?
Every step you go up to, it will say for instance, Nav Bar. When you are editing it you will see a screenshot of what the original looks like incase you would need some help on what to add.
Then there is list stating off the variables ( ex: $bbuserinfo['username']) or something like that and then. There would be a total list incase you would want to add it in. Then after you put the variables where you want, you preview it. It will then show you, what it would like like if you had finished it.
Changin a few colors doesn't make a good vbulletin. Vbulletin has that in the script anyway if you just edit the css in the admin panel. But this is for the semi-advanced users.
Even before this is released, I will release sort of like a study guide for those who dont know that much with html, but enough to get started. So though it will take work, It would be much easier on people than just editing and creating new templates.
The autostretched tables and such is done by the users when they slice the images. It doesn't do this automaticly by just giving the program some images, because if it was set like that, then all it would be is the normal vb skins with diffren't colors. This would be ment for those who plan on taking skinning even farther and actually changing the whole look.
on the other hand there could be a lite and pro version and lite would just simply takes those sliced images and place them where you want....