If you want to use the hack in an easier way, you can do the following, you will need to enter the users and time limits
1: Open
newthread.php, and find:
PHP Code:
In the line above it, place:
PHP Code:
// check banned-users list
if ($postusername=="user1" || $postusername=="user2" ||
$postusername=="user3" || $postusername=="user4") {
if ($hislastpost_q=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM thread
WHERE forumid='$forumid' AND postuserid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND dateline>$hislastpost")) {
2: Open
newreply.php, and find:
PHP Code:
if ($logip==1 or $logip==2) {
In the line above it, place:
PHP Code:
// check banned-users list
if ($postusername=="user1" || $postusername=="user2" ||
$postusername=="user3" || $postusername=="user4") {
if ($lastposttime_q=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT post.postid,post.threadid,thread.threadid,thread.forumid FROM post,thread
WHERE thread.forumid='$forumid' AND post.userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND post.dateline>$lastposttime AND post.threadid=thread.threadid")) {
2: Create the template
error_blacklist with the contents:
Administrator has limited your posting abilities to:<p>
one thread every 5 hours.<br>
one post every half-hour.<p>
If you feel you got this message by mistake, please <a href="$contactuslink">Contact Us</a>.
you don't need to upload any file, no tables modifications are required
however, I strongly encourage you to use the first way because it's more integrated and fully embedded within control panel.