After much thought I have decided to re-open development on my journal add on, because gold is here and I have some new idea's I am expanding the hack itself
This hack will be released to the public soon in beta testing form, you will be allowed to run it with limited support, everything will not be added at first
so some might choose to wait. While I do plan on writting importers at some time they will not be added until after stable status.
This hack will require mysql 4, and probbly a late version of php 4
User Blogs-
- Show users buddys
- Show users latest forum posts
- Show users latest journal entrys
- User news box (allows user to post important news in their blogs)
- Show the user's buddys latest journal entrys
- User hot downloads box - based on attachments, allows users to serv files
Journal Entrys-
- All postbit functions from postbit area's in threads
- Now playing
- Mood
- Number of comments/last comment
- Paging
- Entry Folders/Sub entrys (for multiple entrys per day/week, so one day of alot of entrys dose not push older ones down the page as fast)
- Important entrys (act like sticky threads)
- Buddy entrys (allow you to restrict viewing to buddies)
- lock down entrys (allow you to have private entrys)
- Full comment system so others can reply to your entry
- Friend mods (you can assign friends on the board to help moderate/manage comments)
Posting/editing journal entrys-
- WYSIWYG editor
- Smilies
- Post icons
- mood's (in drop down or input box)
- Now playing (in input box)
- Can view list (allows you to give certain members viewing permessions for private/buddy entrys)
Manging news-
- all options from entrys as listed above
-- Journal permissions page
- Ban list (ban certain members from your blog)
- on/off switches for all blog options (listed in User blogs above)
- Make journal private/for buddies only on a global scale
- Add friend mods (input box)
-- File server
- Probbly will add a switch to the attachment manager to add certain files to this list
-- Web links
- Page will allow you to add links with descriptions, more on this later
Usergroup/access mask Permissions-
- Allow user to open journal (yes/no)
- Allow user to post new entrys (yes/no)
- Allow user to post comments in other memebers entrys (yes/no)
- Allow user to lockout admins (yes/no)
- Allow user to lockout mods (yes/no)
- Allow user to have friend-mods (yes/no)
- Allow user to have web-links (yes/no)
- Allow user to post private entrys (yes/no)
- Allow user to post buddy entrys (yes/no)
- Allow user to post important entrys (yes/no)
Stuff I know needs to go in but wont make it in for some time:
- Allow members to change the GUI of their blogs
- Import scripts
- Searching
So got anything you want to see added? Let me know