I'm using vb2.3.5 and I'm coming from the vbhome lite hack, removing it to add myvbindex hack.
Reasons are multiple:
- I used dynamic html menus which did not behave correctly on any browser. Now with myvbindex, they work!
- microstats page was displaying weird values with vbhl. Now with mybvindex, they work!
- Layout is easier to implement, even more clear than on vbhl and 2 custom "boxes" for online ads... thanks myvbindex!
- The admin funcions on myvbindex news are lovely! thanks myvbindex!
- There are miniaddons written for myvbindex...
HOWEVER I STILL DON'T UNDESTAND WHY CAN'T WE HAVE LATEST x NEWS displayed on main page (much like latest x threads, but with news) like vbhl does!!!
Any1 willing to minihack this?