Originally Posted by Boofo
First point: Requiring a comment can be a good idea unless you get those that will put things like spaces or LKJMM or things like that just to bypass that. So you might end up regretting that part of it. 
well you can't really prevent that in any way, but making it at least mandatory should already help. maybe a min character limit would be good too, just like for posts.
i just hope that this will encourage more people to write a real comment than it will encourage to spam.
Originally Posted by Boofo
Second point: Why would anyone want to give repuatiuon anonymously? Isn't that the whole idea behind the repuation system? Beacuse if you do that, you will get the user who goes around anonymously giving users bad rep to make his better. Kind of dangerous, I would think. 
There are two major things about anonymous reputation.
1st: if you give a negative point to a jerk for a valid reason he will not be able to "retaliate". otherwise this could create really a lot of bad blood within a community.
2nd: being anonimous allows you a lot more honesty, that's just like an election. people tend not to say what they think if they have to do it public.
although we do encourage our users to sign their reputation comments i wouldn't like to force my users to sign. reputation for me is more a tool to help the bad ones to improve than to tell the good ones how good they really are.
though the problem with the anonymous reputation is that people tend to send quite offensive reputation comments from time to time .. but due to our rather good fraud tracking devices we were so far able to keep that kind of abuse on a very small scale. the same goes for signing with a wrong name