ok i'll try to do it step by step
if someone clicks the reputation buttion it pops up another small window that let's you choose between "i approve" and "i disapprove". additionaly you may enter a comment to make it more obvious why you gave the reputation hit.
so the first thing i would love to see implemented is making those comments a must. that you may not submit a reputation hit without having entered something in the comment field.
reputation needs to be anonimous to prevent warlike situations, in which people are hitting someone else's reputation in return just cause he/she gave a neg rep hit to the person in the first place.
some of users started signing their reputation comments though and that leaves the rather disturbing possibility that someone might just sign with another name.
in the popup you give rep in there could be a radio select that has the options "sign" and "do not sign". it is set to sign by default though.
if someone wants to have his comment signed he will leave the option as it is by default and the recipient will see who gave him the reputation hit. (just like how reputation his are displayed for admins in the user cp, with the "posted by" column)
if someone wants to stay anonimous he will set the option to do not sign and the "posted by" column will say something like anonimous .. or unsigned.
i really hope that helps to clear things up a bit