Originally Posted by Beermonster
you are only allowed to have 1 main forum running and 1 test forum, but the test forum must be in a testvb dir and .htaccess protected.
Running 2 forums on 1 database is just the same as running 2 forums on 2 databases, as both can be totally different inrespect that both can have different forums, user etc.
At least that's the way I read it, and I could be wrong
But if you was allowed to do that then there would be nothing stopping you having 2, 3, 4 or as many as you like and just point a new domain name to each.
Yeah but going to either forum its going to look teh same in that same forums and same forum title. Ive asked this on the vB forums but havent had a direct answer from them. Either the regs arnt 100% sure or they just havent seen the question yet.