[REQUEST] Optional Censor
I recall a similar hack for vb2.x where the censor was optional.
It would be great if there were a place in the admin cp that censored words could be entered (like it is now) and then have those words optionally censored on a per-user basis. So, if someone registers and doesn't want to be censored they just go into their profile and select "no" to the censorship option. Users who do not feel that they want to view words which they may be sensitive to or otherwise can simply select "yes" to the censor in their profile. So the users who select "yes" see asterics where the users who selected "no" in their profile will see the actual words.
It would be ideal to have another box in the admin cp to enter words that would be censored regardless (spam urls, whatever).
Why censor a whole group of people when they can censor themselves? Give your users the choice! :squareeyed: