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Purchase Options
CinemaNow gives you the most options for downloading and viewing movies online. Here is a breakdown of the different ways to access movies on the site.
What You Get: Rent on a per movie basis
What It Costs: Please check each movie page for pricing
How Long Can You View: Either 24 or 48 Hours of unlimited viewing. Please check the movie page.
What You Get: Buy on a per movie basis and download a permanent copy to that device.
What It Costs: Please check each movie page for pricing
How Long Can You View: Unlimited viewing on that device.
What You Get: A Premium Pass subscription gets you unlimited access to all films marked PREMIUM.
What It Costs: $9.95/month or $49.95/year.
How Long Can You View: Unlimited viewing for as long as you are a subscriber.
Click Here to Start a Free Trial of the CinemaNow Premium Pass
Premium Plus
What You Get: A Premium Pass PLUS subscription gets you unlimited access to all films marked PREMIUM and all films marked PREMIUM +.
What It Costs: $29.95/month or $99.95/year
How Long Can You View: Unlimited viewing for as long as you are a subscriber.
Click Here to Start a Free Trial of the CinemaNow Premium Pass PLUS
Originally Posted by filburt1
Oh great, Satan Incorporated (Comcast) bought them.
Does that mean I'll finally be able to watch TechTV on Cable... I don't pay $80/month for Digital Cable for nothing... (no TechTV on Cable really urked me). We have G4 on the channel list already... but no TechTV