Originally Posted by ManagerJosh
If this hacked had offered less control than an administrator, it would probably encourage users to get the full version of vBulletin rather than using a hosting solution.
DING DING DING! We have a winner!
The hack does not in any way, shape or form, offer admin access. That seems to be a common misconception.
Originally Posted by SpeedStreet
More to a point, Kier is product manager and I don't think he felt this hack represented vBulletin properly.
There is no requirement that it should.
Originally Posted by SpeedStreet
This hack could violate another agreement, and that would be profiting. Imagine if someone charged money for hosting....and hosted a gazillion vBulletin hostees, well they would be profiting more than Jelsoft and that would be putting Jelsoft out of business.
That does not violate the LA.
Originally Posted by SpeedStreet
A very similar idea/concept would be buying a single copy of Windows and installing it on a dozen computers.
That's basically what this hack is doing.
No, it doesn't. You are misrepresenting the nature of the hack.
Originally Posted by SpeedStreet
Having a person buy a single copy of vBulletin and having multiple individual UNIQUE boards running.
They are not unique. Riddle me this one, Batman...
Can they change the avatar policy for "their board"?
Can they change the attachment limitations for "their board"?
Can they change the PM policies for "their board"?
Can they change the calendar policies for "their board"?
Can they change any user attributes for "their board"?
Can they view user IP addresses on the posts in "their board"?
Can they hack "their board"?
No, they can't do any of those things, can they? They can't even email users. They can't archive threads. They have no access to the admin functions within a thread.
In short, they are not unique boards. Please, in the interest of honest, do not lie to folks who may not have seen the hack first hand and only have your misleading descriptions to rely upon.
ALL they can do is create a subforum or set of subforums and apply a style or set of styles. Plain and simple. Making this out to be a "unique board" is intellectually fraudulent.