Originally Posted by Zachery
The lockdown hacks policy is Jelsofts and it was imposed at the original hacking forum at vBulletin.com. It is used most of the time on warez boards for bad reasons, thus its not allowed.
So, they took a poll to find out it was mostly used on warez boards and for neferious purpose? or did they assume?
I mean, if they claim 'most of the time' they have facts and figures to back up that claim? or is it a proclamation from on high, just because it can be abused? in which case...they could claim that of any hack, what-so-ever...ban anything, for any reason..simply because it 'might' be abused on a warez board.
Hmmm. Well, I always do say, its good to be the King
Just goes to show..there needs to be a non-controlled vbhack's site.