We seem to have alot of people posting, most with zero knowledge of how this hack works and even more so with little or no experience in copyright law.
It does not matter how much you "believe" that you should be in control of your own code. The simple and plain fact is that Jelsoft (and IPB and PHPBB) are only ALLOWING you to use their code. When you purchase a license, the company is allowing you to receive one version of their product under their rules and guidelines.
Jelsoft has every right to protect the integrity and reputation of their product. If they see the wind blowing in a way that could irrevocably damage their market brand, they can alter the agreement to protect themselves and their product.
This is ending badly. A few sour apples that think they know what is right and just are going to end up hurting us all. Jelsoft has many different options from this point forward, and yb asking for the community to comprise with them is far more than they really need to do.
Haven't you ever heard of something being a privilege, and not a right?
It is our privilege to be allowed to modify and hack the code of vBulletin as we see fit. How many other corporations would allow you to have everything their company is built upon, and say, "Here...now go make it unique for yourselves"
This is tremendous power and responsibility Jelsoft gives us. All they are asking for are some VERY minor adjustments in some of the hacks that we all create. Is that really such a monumental travesty that we have to go around and start discussing renegade hacking communities peppered with hacks specifically aimed at thumbing the nose at Jelsoft?
PLEASE. Take a deep breath, walk away from this thread, and in a few days come back to it and ask yourself what the cost/benefit of a site like vBulletin.org has. At its height (when I started here), you could get answers to hacking questions, see new hacks every day, and generally it was a fun place to go on my favorites list. Now, it has befallen a new generation of animosity and angst...Where everybody thinks they can do it better than the next guy.