Theres many VBowners who allready charge other companys for sub forums that they have control over, its been going on for years, infact vb3 in its current raw form with subscribtions makes the whole thing a lot more simpler now.
Dunno perhaps it breaks its own LA
I was thinking of getting a second vb licence to do just this. but now it seems that It may be breaking the LA I wont.
It happens a lot on support forums where, ie software companies sponser or rent a sub forum with in a main site. I think if they was to go after all these the vb licence quantity could reduce by a huge amount.
I fully understand how it breaks the LA to distribute the vb package, but theres many things in the LA that is q2uestionable.
ie. you must not give a third party access to the code without VB team consent.
so there you cannot without consent from vb get a designer to add a style as this would give that designer full access to the admin panel and the ftp where the php is.
You cannot dispose of without consent of VB by way of rent or purchase ?
Well i think legally VB would have to have exceptional grounds to not consent to you selling your licence or even leasing a website that includes avb installation. Therefore they would have to find good reason why a sale or lease was bad to make any legal battle worth while.
One of the main things iv seen licence agreements do is attempt to null an void your statutory rights, in many countries that in itself is illegal and often deems the entire licence or contract null and void.
On a high note anyone read the online nvidia driver download LA ?
If your an international buriness person do not buy a laptop with an nvidia
Travilling internationally with nvidia drivers breaks their LA
Dual booting with windows 2000 and xp.
Not with Nvidia its against their LA no matter if you own both os licences.
Got 2 computers in the house, make sure you dont use the same download to install to both these comps even though the grafic cards may be of different eras, with their LA and unified drivers its against their LA.
Boxed software is the funniest
By opening this software package you agree to the EULA.
errrrm but the box contains the eula infact I may not even get to read it till I start to install.
Please sign this blank piece of paper, Really I wont add bankers draft to it or your house deeds.