Originally Posted by lasto
this is hot topical debate and as such has drawn attention from all walks of life on vb.org and other boards.People have come to express their views on what they think on the subject of this hack.Maybe this will have a say in the final decision who knows but to tell people to get a life is not on,as people do have the right to an opinion unless that has been taken away in the LA agreement as well
(thats a joke by the way - notice the smiley  )
[high]* lasto is off to find a wife - u did say wife did`nt u trafix[/high]
lol .... wife would be good

, but i already have one
Guys dont get me wrong here, im as interested in the outcome as anyone else and i would use the hack if the situation was resolves successfully

As i said earlier, i have a copy of the b2 version but i havnt installed it, and wont until i get the final word. Its a great idea and a lot of work has gone into it but there is the 2 main issues that have to be resolved first. aside from all that ...... HACK ON DUDE!