Originally Posted by trafix
I think everythig has been said sooooooo many times that if you deleted all the duplicate arguments the thread would only be 5 pages instead of 22
Give it a break and get a life ..... there is more to vborg than this thread!
but there is no hack that does what this does, and as a result this is the only thread of interest to me. if it doesn't interest you, don't read it.
i've been waiting
a very long time for vb3, and now that it's out i see that it
still is in the dark ages in regards to
moderator empowerment. i want to be able to completely turn over a board to a mod and have them set the colour scheme, set access if its a private forum, post announcements in that forum, and so on. but vb once again elected to overlook this kind of functionality that would be
invaluble to a gaming site that hosts clan forums. now gamecrash has written a hack that can do this - finally! - and jelsoft pulls it down just like that with a bs claim of infringement. that's why this is a hot topic and this is why so many people are interested in this thread!