Originally Posted by FASherman
I think it should be left as-is. The value isn't in having moderators build new forums, but rather users - the ones who ultimately build up the community.
I'd suggest that you stick to your guns and release it somewhere else as it is now.
Users provide content to the community...Even though I love my guests, there is no way that I want to give them access to creating forums.
If there is a need dictated by my driven content, then I, as an administrator and owner of my organization, will decide where it should go. I like this hack because it gives me the abliity to turn areas over to my moderators, and allow them to build them up, based on my reccomendations.
You don't want every jackass in the world requesting a forum, simply because they want their own little piece of the pie...look how crapped up EZBoard is! If you give people the ability to do the same thing with a sleeker package like vBulletin, you are going to have 8,000 forums per board, with 10 posts per forum!
GameCrash was definitely on the right track, trying to add as much functionality as possible to his hack, but there definitely has to be a line drawn somewhere.