Originally Posted by zenmasteril
Catergory might be too complicated i think.. 2 or 3 games per row would be great and solve the problem perfectly 
I just Posted Some ideas to implement CATEGORIES in v3 Arcade HERE
i don't think it's a problem of complexity,
i think that Jhon is very Busy and don't have enough time
to make all the changes he would like to do....
Maybe if somebody else make the Addon...?
or if we help Jhon in other tasks... like find / convert games
so he can use his free time to add features... i dunno
Bytheway... i just figured a way to save some space
in the arcade main page:
Placing the Game Description in TEXTAREA Fields
make all the description lenghts fits on the same space...
that way the page looks better and you save some space
other option is to place the Game descriptios as "ALT" tags in the thumbnails