Originally Posted by Morrus
No offence, and I can see that you care very much about what you're saying, but have you read the license or - more importantly - this thread?
The whole discussion going on in this thread centers around the fact that the license DOESN'T say that. It only says you can't resell the software itself.
If the license actually said that, this thread wouldn't exist. 
Exactly. The reason why I brougt that up was to counteract what Hyper said. The rest was directed towards Jelsoft / Wayne in attempt to persuade them that maybe allowing this, especially since it doesnt mention anything about this in the license, would benefit them as it is doing to other industries. Its interesting, because the music business, which is the one that is persuing warez the most, is the ONLY industry out of Games, Movies, and Music, that is currently benefitting from Warez.