i remeber a time when john was just some guy on the infopop ubb boards talking about a php based forum package he was working on. infopop continually refused to implement features that had been requested (and promised) time and time again. thats what vbulletin was borne of. how long have we been waiting for jelsoft to release a vb version that actually works the way most of us use our forums? clan forum hosting is big part of vb, and many of us have been waiting AGES AND AGES AND AGES for jelsoft to make this sort of thing less of a pain. if vb3 allowed an option to allow forum mods to select colors, buttons, and a header.gif i would have no use for this hack. but, just like infopop, you let the releases go and go while never implementing this functionality. where's infopop today?
i will be installing this hack, and i am confident that i am well within my legal rights to do so.