Originally Posted by trafix
Well the outcome is in Jelsofts hands  As far as I can see they are trying to negotiate the best solution for everyone ....
SO to those who still want to protest ...
Build a bridge and get over it!
Nope its not end of matter.
If we all took someones word at face value then we would never get anything sorted.This aint just about the hack it has deeper Issues for everyone who buys a vb license and how jelsoft controls what we are allowed to use.19 pages because one hack is removed goes to show that people are not happy with the situation.
Problem with vb is there is 2 diversions - the die hard vb fanatics who believe that anything said is solid and then you have those who are only interested in releasing hacks or helping others.
If the hack is allowed you would use it if u needed it would`nt you ? so all you lot saying waynes word is final it aint as GameCrash said if its banned here he will release it elsewhere and because of that the hack will be a sought after one just because Jelsoft decided to ban it in the first place.
Remember if we all roll over and die nothing would ever get sorted so sometimes people need to come together like this to clear the air.