Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Here is my example to prove my point: http://www.vbulletinmods.com/index.php?
Go ahead and sign up and you can have your own hosted community in as little as five minutes.
And irregardless of the statements about this making mods' lives easier, the way it is set up there is the intent and purpose of the this hack. At stated by the original post and by the options provided.
I just did and guess what? If you go to court and try to claim this sublicenses VB, you will get your head handed to you by the judge.
Can I manage smilies, avatars, PM, users, calendars? Can I turn off searches? No on all accounts.
I find it laughable that anyone would claim this very, very limited functionality is a relicense or sublicense.
If, by providing us access to a working hack you hoped to make your point, you fell woefully short. You only exposed the weakness of your assertion.