Well I got lucky enough to get the BETA 2 version of this hack before it was shutdown and install it. I still don't have the sub forums I created public. HOWEVER, when I installed it I left the options so that THE admin for the main forum had to fully approve and ok the new forums creation and the option to even request a new forum at the top of the board is non-existant in my forum. Why the heck would you want that anyway, shoot, you may come back in 1 day and find that 700 of your members created their own forum! Come on now, what sense does that make.
What I'm saying is use common sense. I would NEVER leave any option anywhere for anyone to ever do anything to my board without my personaly knowledge and OK, I'm also sure ALL admins here would feel the same. Just remove that specific ability from this hack and be done with it!
Thank you.