Originally Posted by CMerritt
For example, what if only existing moderators had access to add/modify subforums? That would require the admin to manage his/her moderating staff and would take out an element of the moderation.
I think the majority agrees that the elements of this hack that allow mods to modify their subforums is extremely valuable. So, is it possible to modify the hack to include those options, or is Jelsoft against the entire idea?
Technically it would be possible, but it would not make it better for our point of view and for Jelsofts one. You can simply remove the administrators and give moderators access to the HostingCP. Many sites that do forum hosting do it that way. However this would mean that every moderator of a forum can modify its forums, and I don't want that everyone can do this. The other thing is that it would not reduce the problem Jelsoft has with the hack - if you call them administrator or moderator does not change what the system does.