I'd also like to thank all of you that have shown support for my responses in this thread. It's good to know that people are actualyl reading what I type.
My entire life (and even the company I am a part of that uses our vBulletin installation) is dedicated to helping others. When I see an instance of a stifled growth or oppression of an opinion, it tends to kick my afterburners on.
I want all of you to know that if we keep this discussion civil, and present facts over feelings, that we can hopefully win this battle yet. I think that for what its worth, Jelsoft is not some big company governed by cold-hearted people, and that they look at situations like this objectively.
For every 1 nefarious use of a hack, there will be 20 of us that put it to good use, making vBulletin look *that* much better!