Originally Posted by Zachery
Most people accepct it, for the fact that it can be used and most oftenly is used for this reason.
You're missing the point.
My point was that almost anything can be considered to have a negative aspect depending on the viewpoint. To sit her and say that one modification over another has a more nefarious use puts Jelsoft in the realm of governing the content that people provide on their purchased product.
Those who run vBulletin.org reserve the right to refuse the publishing of a hack at any time, because you are providing a service to the public. However, saying a hack violates a license agreement is a different thing entirely, and Jelsoft can be taken to court for this. They are providing a good with a limited contract. They are not providing a service in which they can govern terms of usage.
As for the lockdown hack, which I was carefully trying to avoid, this is an instance in which Jelsoft has danced on the line of right and wrong. To my knowledge, you can install the lockdown hack, but you cannot publish that hack here or discuss it. This hack does have many good uses (like my hammer), but because Jelsoft has decided to focus on the negative, they have chosen to ban it in every way that they could.
After seeing twelve pages of rebuttals to Wayne's response...I would urge Jelsoft to reconsider their "review" of this hack...It looks like it could be a deadly corner they are backing themselves into. The last thin you want is your embeded constituency lashing out on all of those forums throughout the Internet where people ask, "which forum software should I buy?"