Originally Posted by SpeedStreet
to that effect, you would (or should) buy a new license every time you create a subforum and put a moderator in charge of it!
and then trying to pimp your own hack in a thread relating to a discussion of another is downright tasteless, at best, and stupid at worst..
there is no license violation, there is no issue this hack generating revenue vB itself won't see.. there is no issue.. the only issue existing is the fact people want something they now can't get due to someones idealistic view of something that isn't even said in the vB license.. zachaery/faranth/whatever he's called claiming this to be on par witht he lockdown hack is not only stupid, it's idiotic.. they are not even on the same level of hack nor with the same "possible" intention.. sabretoothe jumping on this like it's hot wax for anal hair and praising something not in the LA and then pimping his own upcoming hack is just as rediculous..
now, if a decision is to be made.. make it.. putting this kind of thing off is not only wrong for the forums, it wrong for the creator, users and wanna-be installers of this hack or any other facing this same decision..
this is, at this point, getting intolerable to see everything run amuk and no one caring on the upper levels enough to stop all of it and deal with it in a very reasonable manner.. if users want, deal with the users, even if they can't have.. don't put this stuff off and then pass it off as having no time.. if you have no time, don't disrupt in the first place..