Originally Posted by GameCrash
I don't think so. The rule (as they told me) exists to make sure nobody has to download one hack just to install another one. Combining vBHosting and vBHMS to one hack simply lets you download one hack which contains an installer, not more and not less...
Excuse me for going offtopic in this thread again, but I just have to point out that this merely shows how the average vb.org user (mayhaps even staffmember???) does NOT understand the current rules - note that I could be the one confused; I'm as much an average user as you

Anyway, what you say implies that hackers are now allowed to release HTL releases PROVIDED they include the HTL in their zip - which is ofcourse far from desireable; dozens of different HTL versions floating around everywhere. That is, where it not for the fact that each release should include a
textfile with instructions - as the ever evasive rules dictate.
Let me stress that it is not my desire to point
you wrong, but to show how horribly confusing and erratic the current vb.org staff governs this site.
Again with regards...,