First off, I think some people are giving Wayne a very hard time. Alot of people expressed thier disatisfaction with how things were being handled at and Wayne took time out to listen to everyones feedback and is in the process of implementing a plan to make things better. This may be jelsofts repsonsibility but he as an individual is still trying to help everyone out. For that alone, he should be given at least common courtesy to do as he said, check the hack to ensure it's not breaking any liscencing agreements.
That said, ... from the moment I first saw the hack, I personally thought it was going against some of the liscencing agreements.
Is it necessarilly a bad thing? No, I dont think so. I've enteretained the idea of starting up a sister forum (which I would buy a liscence for) and I could see alot of benifit to me as an admin if I only had one set of php files to hack and an intergrated user base.
On the other hand, I can see the potential for certain abuses that would go above those of 'personal use'.
As Wayne said earlier, they are looking into the hack so let them do so. If you have a concern, share it, but please quit the whinning. It makes you all sound extremely immature and hurts the arguements your putting forth.