Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for a setup fee.. hell, even a recurring fee.. it takes up space, it takes up bandwidth.. and it is also using more server resources.. the way i see it, even if you charge for hosting a sub-forum, it is not like it will be enough from one particular person to afford a vBulletin license..
of course, as a collective whole, the forum hoster may make enough, but people tend to forget, the vast majority can't afford a single license.. so if they only have to pay 5 dollars a month for someone else to bare the burden of server resources, bandwidth and the like, i see no way in hell it would effect anyone including jelsoft since the person could NOT afford a vB license otherwise.. but that is my simple logic from knowing most people can't afford hosting, support and license fees involved in maintaining a vB license themselves..
Thing about that is it is Jelsoft's and a lot of other peoples policy that if you can't afford the software you don't use the software. THAT's why this hack is being considered because people would get to use the swank features of vbulletin but they aren't paying jelsoft for it but the problem with that logic is, you can do everything that hack does without the hack it just makes it easier with the hack.
Dark Shogun