Originally Posted by hypedave
In your case no one is loosing profit. But this hack allows one to Host forums or Co-Host a forum on a one vbulletin install license, wich is what you just admitted to right? So take your same situation to a John doe thats charging like $5 per setup for some person that just wants a lil vb forum, and thats where the problem comes.
I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for a setup fee.. hell, even a recurring fee.. it takes up space, it takes up bandwidth.. and it is also using more server resources.. the way i see it, even if you charge for hosting a sub-forum, it is not like it will be enough from one particular person to afford a vBulletin license..
of course, as a collective whole, the forum hoster may make enough, but people tend to forget, the vast majority can't afford a single license.. so if they only have to pay 5 dollars a month for someone else to bare the burden of server resources, bandwidth and the like, i see no way in hell it would effect anyone including jelsoft since the person could NOT afford a vB license otherwise.. but that is my simple logic from knowing most people can't afford hosting, support and license fees involved in maintaining a vB license themselves..