Originally Posted by hypedave
but we all know at the end of the day this hack was taken offline because one could actually use it as a EZBoard setup and use the vBulletin 3 subscription feature and charge actually make a profit charging people. I'm sorry im just thinking outside the box.
Sure, that's self-evident. I don't blame them one bit for worrying about it; unfortunately, they didn't consider this possibility when drafting their licensing agreement.
It's not that they don't want people to make a profit - I doubt they care how rich you or I are - what they need to avoid is a situation where people don't buy their software any more because it is easier/more convenient/cheaper to use "vB EZBoard". EZBoard itself is immensely popular, and such a situation could potentially put Jelsoft in a very awkward situation. Imagine: the convenience of EZBoard combined with the coolness of the vB software. In their place, I'd have changed the license already.
An unfortunate oversight on their part. I'll bet they're cursing; I also bet the license gets changed very rapidly.