Originally Posted by FleaBag
I have over 70 forums that I 'hosted', before I had this hack. All this does is allow the users to do the tasks they would usually have to e-mail me to do. Saving me time. This loses nobody profit - the people I host forums for would never even consider buying vB. I don't see what the problem is here.
In your case no one is loosing profit. But this hack allows one to Host forums or Co-Host a forum on a one vbulletin install license, wich is what you just admitted to right? So take your same situation to a John doe thats charging like $5 per setup for some person that just wants a lil vb forum, and thats where the problem comes.
Originally Posted by FleaBag
My forums are coming up for re-newal also - if this hack is 'outlawed' I might find myself making the switch to a system that doesn't view this situation so aggresively.
Hell if this hack is outlawed then co-hosting forums on a one vbulleting install license should be outlawed as well.