Originally Posted by Morrus
I think he's referring to the vBulletin license. Your vBHosting license does, indeed, prohibit this. But it's not really germaine to the discussion.
Yes I was referring to the actual vBulletin license. Okay but here is another question I have.
John Doe has a vbulleting forum, someone approaches him and says "Hey I like your vbulletin forum, can you
CO HOST a sub forum on your forum? It pretty much fits your forums and all"
Now if John Doe accepets and decides to create a new forum or sub forum, or any other words Co Host a forum on his site, is that really breaking the vb license? Cause if that is the case, not that im trying to be an a** hole, but I can point several hundred vbulletin ran sites of different genres that are doing that same thing, but with out a hack to automate the full process"