Originally Posted by Zachery
Thats not what i was saying, many people do things that are not correct with a software even if they do read the license, try reading the whole MS EULA when you install WindowsXP next time.
My point is someone is probaly going to abuse this, it sort of borders on a lockdown hack in a sense.
If someone wants to do illegal things, they will start eMule and download their own vBulletin copy... Of course, it's possible to do illegal things with this hack. But then it should not be allowed for Jelsoft to sell vBulletin (well, someone could illegaly download it from eMule...). I really don't think this is my problem. Especially as nobody without a vBulletin license can download the hack from vB.org and if they have a license, you can easily fight them if they do illegal things, can't you?