Originally Posted by Stadler
Which part of the license exactly?
Hmmm.... interesting point. I can see why Jelsoft wouldn't want people to be able to do this (it certainly isn't in their interests), and in their place I would have specifically prohibited it in the license.
However, from my reading of the license I can see nothing prohibiting this. The closest I can see is a reference to distributing or leasing the software (which obviously is not legal), but not to allowing [unlimited] use of a specific licensed installation of vBulletin:
The Software is licensed only to you. You may not rent, lease, sublicence, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Software in any form, on a temporary or permanent basis, without the prior written consent of Jelsoft.
I'm confident that that language does not prohibit use of the software in this way (or in any way) - it merely prohibits the distribution of it.
[As an aside, as has been pointed out above, Jelsoft's argument here (and I realise that they haven't confirmed their position one way or the other yet) would also prohibit the assignment of co-admins.]
If they are using vBulletin and do not have written permission from Jelsoft Pty. Ltd. (the only holders of the vBulletin copyright, vBulletin-germany.com is just a reseller without authority to change the license agreement) and they are using an automated or semi-automated system to do it, then yes I am.
As the license stands at present, automation doesn't come into it.