Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
when you say ensure the cookies are not named the same thing.. exactly what do you mean?
for instance, my ".domian.name" cookie would be the same between the two of them.. what is it expecting the name to be or the issues with the cookie itself?
just leave the cookie in coppermine the same. People have said that if you try naming them the same thing, then neither cookie will work right.
Currently, I have my cookie on vBulletin gogin to .speedstreet.org and my cookie from Coppermine going to /.
Of course, you can always try to link the two together, and change back if you have issues.
PS: I would be interested in working with others on additional hacks specifically for Coppermine and vBulletin. if you are interested, PM me and I will see about putting together some sort of group for us.