Logician, can you help me with the webquery and template questions:
1. How can I get templates generated by the vbhome lite hack working in the THEMES (Parent WebTemplates)? I would like to include:
- home_loggedinusers
- home_newposts
- home_userloggedin
- home_userloggedout
- home_threadbit
- home_welcomeguest
- home_welcomeuser
2. How can I use WebQuery to show all (or latest 5) headlines of all Webtemplates created for a category? How can I show all headlines of all categories? The Headlines should be links to the full Artikle (Webtemplate page).
Originally Posted by Logician
No promises but I am hoping to work on its VB3 version this month. I'm sorry to not to give you an alternative solution but your only way to save your 200 webtemplates would be using the VB3 version of this hack.